D/103, Orchid Metropolis, SG Barve Marg

Ant Pest Control in Kurla

Ants are a social insect that live in colonies. Treatment plans for Ant control include killing the entire Pest Control in Kurla. Just spraying an ant with a typical ant spray, particularly a repellent spray will only kill a few at best. Ants usually enter a house or an apartment foraging for food or seeking shelter.

To find Ant nests, we follow their trails. Ants lay down a chemical pheromone trail along their established routes to and from a food source so other Ants can easily find the food. Inside a house, we inspect along the carpet edges, doors, windows, and all areas of the kitchen.

By the slower method of destroying the colony, baits offer a more permanent pest solution than broadcast applications of repellent spray pesticides, which inadequately repel pests from a structure.Outside the house, we inspect around foundation walls, areas of vegetation, and mulch in Kurla.